Friday, 20 July 2012

Mobishark Modem Blackberry

blackberry as a modem

{ We support All blackberry devices- including : BlackBerry Storm modem | BlackBerry Bold modem| BlackBerry Sprint 8350i | BlackBerry 8900 Curve modem | BlackBerry 8100 modem and all other older BlackBerry devices }

{ We support All BlackBerry Mobile Carriers- including: Verizon BlackBerry Modem | Sprint BlackBerry Modem | TMobile | Nextel | Cingular / AT&T and all other Worldwide Mobile BlackBerry Carriers }
Enable Your BlackBerry as a Modem Today! - WHY?

1. It's Economical - You already pay a monthly charge for your Blackberry device service. Why not take advantage of the option of using your Blackberry as a modem? As long as you got your laptop and BlackBerry with you, you've got internet access no matter where you go.
2. Ease of use - It's easy to setup and requires little or no computer experience.

The Advantages Of Using your BlackBerry Modem TODAY ???

1. NOT being stuck at the airport without an internet connection.
2. NOT at a hotel paying outrageous internet usage fees.
3. NOT paying monthly mobile carrier BlackBerry "tether modem" monthly subscriptions.
4. NOT paying high monthly phone bills because you went over your limited data plan.
Start Using Your BlackBerry as a Modem NOW!

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